


来源: 日期:2023-02-17作者: 浏览量:

We hereby would like to officially announce our new FOR APAC International Summer School 2023 (former Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School)!


After two years, we are delighted to bring back the Summer School in presence, with a rich program that spans over 6 countries!


It is now for the first time possible to choose between two programs: 4 weeks (6 countries) or 2 weeks (only in Austria).

Please find the announcement brochure, the official programs and the poster in the attachments!


The deadline for the online application and the nomination is the 1st of May 2023.

海报:Poster FOR APAC International Summer School 2023.pdf

4周项目介绍:Long Program Table FOR APAC International Summer School 2023.pdf

2周项目介绍:Short Program Table FOR APAC International Summer School 2023.pdf

报名方式及收费细则:Announcement Brochure FOR APAC International Summer School 2023.pdf