

“巴黎高科9+9项目” 线上答疑会通知

来源: 日期:2020-08-29作者: 浏览量:

ParisTech will have an online Q&A session on the 9+9 Program on September 3, 2020, with 6 ParisTech schools that annually coordinate this admission program for their engineering degrees. 


All the students who are interested in applying to the 9+9 Program, or started applying to it, are welcome to join. The webinar will allow them to ask all their questions about ParisTech engineering degrees, the 9+9 Program, ParisTech schools, their specialties... 


The webinar will be held on Zoom (Register link) and start from 20:00 in China.


20:00 – 20:10 Overview on the 9+9 Program
20:10 – 20:20 Overview on the selection process
20:20– 20:25 Where to find tips on the program(testimonials, FAQ, sample scientific tests…)
20:25 – 21:30 Q&A session