


来源: 日期:2018-12-11作者: 浏览量:

RWTH International Academy organizes Summer Schools for students from all around the world. Our programs are designed for undergraduate students of mechanical engineering or related subject areas, who want to experience German engineering and student life at one of Europe’s leading technical universities. The programs take place over a period of 2, 3 or 4 weeks.



In 2019, a wide choice of Summer Schools in engineering will be offered throughout the months of June to August:


üMechanical Engineering

Automotive and Mobility Studies (June 3 – 28, 2019)

Mechatronic Systems Engineering and Product Innovation (June 24 – July 12, 2019)

Automation and Simulation (July 8 – August 2, 2019)

Agile Innovation: Product Design meets Engineering (July 22 – August 2, 2019)

Production Technology meets Industry 4.0 (August 5 – 23, 2019)

Robotics for Future Industrial Applications (August 5 – 23, 2019)


üEngineering & Management

Six Sigma Quality Management (June 17 – 28, 2019)

Bringing Technological Innovations to Market: The Case of E-Mobility (June 17 – 28, 2019)

Supply Chain Management and Logistics (July 1 – 12, 2019)


üElectrical Engineering

Sustainable Energy Technology (June 17 – July 5, 2019)

Smart Electrical Power Systems (July 1 – 12, 2019)


üCivil Engineering

Structural Engineering of Industrial Facilities (July 1 – 12, 2019)


Please refer to our Summer Schools flyer for more information.

