

赴奥地利学术交流奖学金(Ernst Mach Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Grant 2017)

来源: 日期:2017-03-14作者: 浏览量:

 2017年 Ernst Mach Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Grant 奖学金可以支持同济的博士研究生或博士后去奥地利的大学或科研机构(必须是EPU的成员机构)做半年或半年以上的学术交流。申请截止日期是2017年4月1日。


Dear Colleagues, dear Partners,

This is a friendly reminder about the submission deadline for the Ernst Mach Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Grant  for the academic year 2017/2018.

Duration of the research period:

Postgraduates: 1-9 months

Postdocs: 1-6 months

Grant benefit paid:

Postgraduates: 1.050 EUR

Postdocs: 1.150 EUR

Travel costs subsidy of max. 730 EUR.

Eligible for application are:

a) postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD program at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia

b) post docs pursuing academic work at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia

Application deadline: April 1, 2017.