

当饥饿遇到青年领袖,GESS给你一个风云际遇的舞台! GESS offers a chance to shine!

来源: 日期:2017-03-02作者: 浏览量:



    Do you remember the awesome seven days that 33 students from 22 countries spent in Shanghai last summer ? Global entrepreneurship summer school comes again!


Join in the GESS,speak for the word




    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), nearly 800 million people are suffering from hunger. Yet, our global food waste could feed three billion people every year. Thus, it is necessary to jointly develop innovative solutions.



The program around the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, six leading university-based entrepreneurship centers and their global partner SAP Foundation is looking for motivated students from all over the world to develop innovative solutions that are highly scalable. Based on the claim “billion dollar projects to foster societal change”, the students learn to develop sustainable business models that have the potential to change the world.

什么是GESS?What is GESS?


    We are looking for students who are keen to learn how to tackle the great challenges of our time .The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School(GESS) has been founded by 4E, a unique cooperation among the four entrepreneurship centers of Munich’s largest universities. Since 2015, a global cooperation with Tecnológico de Monterrey and Tongji University has been established to bring the program to a next level.









    This year, we invite 100 students from all over the world to join us either in Shanghai (28.8.-3.9.2017), Mexico City (8.-14.9.2017) or Munich (15.-21.9.2017) to develop scalable business models within seven days that have an impact on society.


报名要求?Who can apply?


    All undergraduate and graduate students, aged 18 – 35, from all fields are welcome to apply. You must be enrolled at a university at some point during the 2017calendar year. For example, if you are only enrolled until February 2017, you can still apply even though you are not enrolled in September 2017. Our enrollment policy also applies to graduate applicants, including MBA and PhD students.


举办时间?When should I be available?



    Shanghai (28.8.-3.9.2017), Mexico City (8.-14.9.2017) Munich (15.-21.9.2017),you can choose only one of them.

报名流程?How to apply?



    The application period for this year’s summer school is open between February 20th until April 17th of 2017.There are 4 seats in every country for students from Tongjiuniversity.Applynow!You will receive either an invitation or rejection letter via email by May 2017.In addition to your GESS application, please make sure to register for the MOOC and allow adequate time during the summer to fully participate during the MOOC.Click to the link,fill in and submit the application form.