

​ 东京大学工学院暑期学校项目通知

来源: 日期:2016-12-12作者: 浏览量:

(2016-12-12 14:30:42)

The School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo will be holding its 2017 Summer Program from June 26 to August 4, 2017. This program offers top-class international undergraduate and graduate students a short-term research experience in the basic and translational sciences in our world-leading laboratories. We kindly ask you promote the program to your students.

Outline of the program is as below.

 1. Schedules 3-5 weeks between June 26, 2017 and August 4, 2017. (program start date and duration vary depending on laboratory.) 

 2. Number of participants Maximum 20 students

 3. Financial support ・Stipend: JPY 80,000 (fixed; amount independent of program length) ・Accommodation: off-campus accommodation 

4. Applications Applicants must apply for the program through the T-cens online  application system.  (https://t-cens.iapply.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/t-cens_sp/login.php  5. Application period 3:00 pm December 12, 2016 (JST) – 3:00 pm January 25, 2017 ※JST・・・Japan Standard Time  For more details about the program and the application information, please see our website. 

