


来源: 日期:2016-02-25作者: 浏览量:


GESS创业夏令营登陆亚洲,中德墨三国同时开启智慧较量|Global GESS project begin recruiting
同济大学作为GESS暑期学校的首个亚洲合作伙伴,将联手慕尼黑、墨西哥两城其他6所名校,举办国际创新创业夏令营。只要报名,就有机会前往德国慕尼黑或墨西哥城结识国际友人,参与创业培训。Tongji University has become the first global partner university with GESS from Asia, and will join in the GESS project thanks to the partnership with other 6 renowned universities from Munich and Mexico City. If accepted, you will learn about entrepreneurship, develop your own sustainable business ideas, and build a long-lasting network of talented and entrepreneurial international friends. 

一、GESS是什么?|What is GESS?
The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School (GESS) has been founded by 4E, a unique cooperation among the four entrepreneurship centers of Munich’s largest universities. Since 2015, a global cooperation with Tecnológico de Monterrey and Tongji University has been established to bring the program to a next level.
During the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School (GESS), 105 outstanding students located in three cities around the world – Munich, Shanghai and Mexico City – will get together and experience real entrepreneurship with a social impact. It is all about doing!
We may cover parts of the travel expenses incurred by selected international students who are invited to GESS. After being selected, you can apply for 1 of 10 competitive travel scholarships. If granted a travel grant, we would be able to cover 50% of your travel expenses, with a maximum of 500 Euro.

二、具体要求?Who can apply?
在校本科生或已毕业校友,研究生、博士生,年龄要求18~27岁,专业学科不限,但基于手续问题,须于2016年有在读大学。例如,2016年7月刚从某大学毕业的同学仍然可以报名参加GESS夏令营。All undergraduate and graduate students, aged 18 – 27, from all fields are welcome to apply. You must be enrolled at a university at some point during the 2016 calendar year. For example, if you are only enrolled until February 2016, you can still apply even though you are not enrolled in September 2016. Our enrollment policy also applies to graduate applicants, including MBA and PhD students.

三、举办时间?When should I be available?
10-16 September, but you need to be available from 9-17 September


四、报名流程?How to apply?
offer与拒绝信将在2016年5月发出。报名者要求参与完成GESS的慕课网上课程。请及时完成。9月9日出发,17日回国。请注意行程安排。详情请戳原文链接,填写提交报名表。The application period for this year’s summer school is open between February 1st until March 31st of 2016. Apply now!You will receive either an invitation or rejection letter via email by May 2016.In addition to your GESS application, please make sure to register for the MOOC and allow adequate time during the summer to fully participate during the MOOC.