对象: 同济大学本科生/研究生/博士生 语言: 英语流利。懂法语者优先。 时间: 2014年-2016年 地点: 上海。 参与交流者有机会成为访法交流代表。 要求: 热情好客,对跨文化交流有兴趣。 家在上海,家中有一人以上能用英语交流。 能提供一间可居住的房间为巴黎来沪交流的学生提供住宿。 有意愿到法国留学的优先。 已对丝绸之路项目有所了解或者参与过相关活动的同学优先。 报名方法: 报名邮箱:silkroads2004@163.com 请在邮件附件中提交中英文简历及联系方式,2014级新生的中英文简历请简单介绍高中经历 邮件名称格式为“姓名-学校-年级-手机号” 报名截止时间10月7日23:00 面试时间:2014年10月12日18:30 始(面试地点将会通过短信或邮件方式通知) 项目简介: 中法丝绸之路交流协会上海分会在复旦大学和同济大学均为正式注册的对外交流社团,两校成员讲共同学习和成长,包括 活动部:组织策划文化类和企业类活动 外联部:中法校际、企业赞助等对外联系 统筹部:社团内部协调管理 通过每年的互访,我们与众多世界五百强企业合作,进行了企业参观,促进两国学生对相互文化与经济的了解。同时我们还将举办各种丰富的中法交流活动。 我们的合作伙伴包括:中国移动、中国石油、沃尔沃、圣戈班、施耐德等世界500强以及金茂集团、好乐迪等国内新锐企业 中法丝绸之路交流协会上海地区的活动由复旦大学和同济大学两校成员共同组织策划,内容包括: 法国学子中国行&中国学子法国行活动安排 中法两国&中文法语文化交流活动 法国当地学生&法国留学生&留法中国学生联谊 中法两国企业的实习机会&参观访问等交流活动 'Silk Roads' is an association registered under French law which aims at organizing in both countries a two-week exchange every year between twenty Chinese students and the same number of French students. It is organized by students for students. The exchange is held alternatively in France and in China every year. The first exchange took place on February 2005 in France, while the return exchange happened in October 2005 in China. The Chinese students involved in this program have been selected among students from the best Chinese Universities, located in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing. These universities are partners of ParisTech, and the French students belong to engineering schools from this network, including the Ecole Polytechnique, the Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées and Télécom Paris, and since this year, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers. The goal of the exchanges between France and China is to enable students to discover both industrial worlds and running of future partnerships. The main aim of “Silk Roads” is the realization of a market research or technical report in partnership with each of the sponsoring companies. This report is realized by a bicultural team, regrouping 3 students of each nationality, supervised by a tutor in the sponsoring company and another one found in the universities taking part in Silk Roads. The purpose of these studies is to bring some external support and expertise to companies on important issues regarding their Sino French opportunities, while enabling these sponsoring companies to test “in real life” the students working on the study in a recruiting perspective. The results of the research will lead to a presentation within the companies. A final report will be written presenting the conclusions of the study. Besides these studies, visits of sponsoring companies willing to present their activities will be held for all participants. Three workshops about Sino French industrial themes will be organized within the universities taking part in the program to present some achievements in this field. These workshops will gather lecturers from universities as well as from the corporate world. Finally some cultural events such as visits to museums will be organized in order to get to know each other’s culture and improve the communication and the working atmosphere amongst the participants. |