同济大学自2010年起加入意大利威尼斯国际大学(VIU)联盟,与该校开展了Globalization Program国际交换项目。项目开设人文社科类、经济类及环境与可持续发展主题课程,针对我校研究生(不限专业),在意大利威尼斯开展一学期的学生交流。针对申请参加2015学年项目学习的我校学生,项目首次设立奖学金申请通道:http://borseonline.esteri.it/BorseOnLine/。意大利政府奖学金,是一项致力于资助关于意大利公共教育与研究项目的奖学金(要求学生意大利语言至少达到A2水平)。申请截止日期为5月28日(中国时间18:00 pm),具体内容详见下文。关于意大利政府奖学金请下载附件。
附件一:Italian Government Scholarships Call for Appication
附件二:Venice International University
The deadline for applications is May 28 2014 for studies in Italy during 2015.
Scholarships for three months will be to the value of approximately 2000 euro.
The website with all of the relevant information is:
In addition to an online application form, the applicants will have to supply several certificates (e.g. certification of Italian language proficiency, admission letter from VIU, transcripts etc).
Selections are made by the Italian foreign missions in the student's country of origin.
Applicants should obtain country-specific information from the Italian diplomatic mission or Italian Cultural Institute in their country of origin, either in person or from the institutional websites. Contact details for Italian foreign missions abroad are available at Italian Embassies or Consulates Abroad.
Some considerations for the application:
The VIU Globalization Program is included in the category described in paragraph 3A of the Call for Applications:
3. Scholarships are available for:
A. University degree courses (Undergraduate and Postgraduate):
The online application form is available at this address:
In the top right corner select English from the drop-down menu, and click "subscribe". Fill out the form to obtain online credentials required for application.
Once credentials have been approved, when filling out the online form, the following information should be entered in the section "Available courses".
Part 1: "Available Course"
College/University: Venice International University
Faculty/Department: School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Program: Globalization Program
Part 2: "Selected Universities"
From drop-down menu select Venice International University