

2014 Tongji University Summer School

来源: 日期:2014-04-22作者: 浏览量:


Summer   School ProgramTimeApplication   DeadlineCollege
Module 1: Cultural Integration19   Jun - 25 Jun10 MaySchool   of Economics & Management
Module 2:   Featured lectures26 Jun - 13 Jul10 MaySchool   of Economics & Management
Module 3:   Company project14 Jul -8 Aug10 MaySchool   of Economics & Management
Module 4:   Chinese Training Program6 Aug - 31 Aug10 JuneInternational   School
Module 5:   Introduction to Dentistry4 Aug - 11 Aug1 July The   Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Tong Ji University
Module 6:   Scenic Way to countryside Landscape31 Jul - 9 Aug30 April College   of Architecture and Urban Planning
Module 7:   Urban farming –inside and outside25 Aug - 5 Sept1 July College   of Design and Art
Module 8:   Shanghai Summer School20 Jul - 16 Aug10 JuneSino-Italian   Campus of Tongji University